

Hey there!

Just a quick heads-up before you swing by for your Live Scan – make sure to fill out the applicant section of your Live Scan Request form. Don’t worry if you don’t have one on hand; we’ve got a full stack of them here for you.

A little tip from us at Anshin Mobile Notary and LiveScan: double-check with the agency that’s asked for your background check to make sure you’ve got the right DOJ live scan form. It’s a real time-saver and helps us get you on your way faster.

So, what’s on these forms? They’ve got all the key details that the state and federal folks need to send your background check results to the right place. This includes the agency’s ORI code and their mailing code, which our techs will use to process your scan. And of course, there’ll be a spot for your personal info too.

Hope this helps! Looking forward to helping you with your live scan needs.

CALL 1-424-253-8149 OR EMAIL FOR A QUOTE!

We will assist you 24/7

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