
Although most people are familiar with the term notarization and notary public, they are unaware of the extent of their duties. The duty of a notary public extends beyond witnessing the signatures on important documents. Here are the details of the same.

The mention of the term notary public will more than often receive a nod or acknowledgement from the person. He or she would probably be familiar with the term, but possess limited knowledge about the role and duties of notary west, Los Angeles.

What a Notary Public Does

So, here is all you need to know about the duties of a notary public.

Commonly, a notary public is known to validate important documents by acting as a third party witness to the signing process. Documents like marriage certificates, business deals, legal documents, birth certificates etc require notarization to be held valid. The notary public is designated by the respective government authority to stamp and seal documents. However, the role and duties of a notary public extend beyond witnessing signatures.

Here’s a list of these.

  • A common duty of the notary public is the administration of oaths, mostly during court proceedings or during the presumption of a publicly official post. The person taking the oath is held legally responsible for his or her statements and can be penalized for making false statements.
  • In cases where the witness is unable to be present in court to testify facts, a written testimony mentioning the facts is acceptable. However, such testimony is considered authentic only when signed and notarized by the notary public.
  • All states in the USA appoint notaries for notarization. However, the laws pertaining to notarization may vary from one state to another. Some states require the notary public to maintain a notary journal with details of the all the notarial acts. Other states may not require it. However, it is advisable to maintain records for future reference.
  • Some states like Florida and South Carolina authorize notaries to perform marriage ceremonies.

However, as minor mistakes in notarization can lead to the rejection of documents, it is advisable to hire the services of a reputed notary public. For further details, contact them at