
Even minor mistakes can lead to the rejection of apostille by the concerned authority. It is therefore, important to be aware of and avoid commonly made mistakes while requesting for an apostille.

Apostille, Los Angeles is an administrative procedure, required to validate academic, professional and legal documents and titles to be used in a foreign country. For instance: For admission to a foreign university, you require an apostille from the country of origin stating the authenticity of your birth certificate and other academic titles. However, both the country of origin and country of intent must be signatories of the 1961 Hague Convention.

The Pitfalls

Although the inception of apostille has simplified the traditional authentication and legalization process, it is still a bit complicated. Even minor errors can lead to the rejection of documents.

It is therefore, important to understand the common mistakes made while requesting for an apostille. Here’s a list of these.

  • An apostille can be obtained on documents of public nature or those issued by public officials. To be eligible for apostille, private documents must be authenticated by public officials like authorized notaries.
  • Documents signed by notaries with an expired license are not acceptable.
  • Documents are often sent to the wrong office for apostille. Remember that certificates and documents must be apostilled in the state of its origin only. The wrong office simply rejects the request.
  • Documents sent for apostille, despite being eligible for authentication and legalization are not acceptable.  
  • Documents of commercial and customs nature are not acceptable for apostille.
  • Removing the attached apostille from the document makes it invalid.
  • Sending photocopies is a mistake. Only original documents are apostilled.
  • Delay in request for apostille often causes undue delay in meeting critical deadlines.
  • Paperwork must be sent o the appropriate office and not a foreign embassy.

One or more of the aforementioned mistakes can lead to rejection of apostille and thereby undue delay in important procedures. As you may be unaware of the criteria for obtaining an apostille, it is advisable to hire apostille services by experts.

For further details, contact them at