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Fingerprints are the most authentic verification and the FBI with its Next Generation Identification system, has the largest database of fingerprints. It keeps records of all criminal activities. You should be aware of the correct procedure for fingerprint recording. Let us get a better understanding of the process. 

Why are fingerprints the best source of validation and how does the FBI trace criminal records through fingerprints? What are the proper procedures for recording the fingerprint? You will have a better understanding of the best way of printing your finger impressions after reading this blog.  

Various method of fingerprint scanning

The rolled impressions are a type 4 impression and are taken individually. These fingerprints are captured nail to nail and the impressions are used to confirm the sequence and authenticity of the rolled impressions. 

Plan, flat or slap impressions are taken without rolling. The four fingers of the right and left hand are taken. The sequence of capture is two thumbs 4-2-2 style. This Type 14 method is considered highly accurate. 

The live scan is a method that captures fingerprint images and submits them electronically using live scan equipment. The device is delicate and should be maintained with care. 


The height that is appropriate and recommended for fingerprint recording is 39inches from the floor. The recommended position for capturing the fingerprints is to place the forearm of an adult parallel to the floor.

You can sanitize your hands, rub each finger to remove the moisture. If the hands feel dry rub some moisturizer and wipe off the extra lotion in hand. 

For live scan fingerprint capturing the machine must be calibrated and it has to be ensured that there is no dust or impression of earlier taken fingerprints. Make sure that before printing, the hands are perfectly clean.

While the scan is taking place, the individual should look away from the electronic scanner. You can relax and assistant from the fingerprint service will make you grasp their right-hand cup your hand over theirs and touch those fingers that will not be scanned, keep scanning each finger separately. Repeat the same procedure with the left hand. 

The ink and paper method is the old method that is not used by many fingerprint scanning services as the results are not too clear. Each finger is rolled with ink. The ink should cover from one end of the nail to the other and from the crease of the first joint to the fingertip. Use enough ink for clear imprints. The side of the finger is placed on a plate or card. Maximum pressure offers clear records. The hand requires to be rotated in various positions to get the prints. When releasing the impression carefully remove your finger to avoid smudging. 


Livescan is the most preferred option by most fingerprint services. Not only does the process involve no mess but also produces the most legible scan for the FBI. The electronic biometric system automatically sends the scan to the FBI. Contact for customer friendly services. They will come to your location and have the scan done with complete accuracy.  


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