When hiring a new employee in the workplace, you need to ensure that you are making the right choice. Not just the experience but the integrity and character of the employee matters in preserving the office sanity and atmosphere. Employee investigation is therefore an integral part of the selection process. 

When an applicant sends a CV and a forwarding letter to you, it is not enough to shortlist an employee for selection in your office. Years of hard work go into building an office with its employee strength. Your employees learn and adapt to the company ethics that form an intrinsic part of the company. Experience alone is not the guiding factor, though when you are looking for technical help, it is one of your chief lookouts. The employee’s personal reputation should be given equal if not more attention. 

A job recruiting survey in Los Angeles revealed that more than half of the employees made false claims in their resumes to get a job. Resumes also have false claims for educational qualification. Potential legal and criminal risks are more dangerous as not only will it endanger the office atmosphere but put the employer at risk. Therefore, a thorough background check is required. Background check Los Angeles company should be hired to minimize employment dangers. 

How can you reduce the cost of the company with a pre background check?

A report published in AARP reveals that a company loses 50% or more of the annual salary paid to the individual when replacing an experienced worker.

Frequently hiring and firing leads to an increased cost. New hires need time to settle down and work at their best, so the output is slow initially. This results in greater spending for the company.

There is also a loss of productivity in the vacant position for at least a few days until someone fills it.

The management’s efforts involving shortlisting, interviews and selections entails both time and money again leading to extra costs for the company.

The time taken by the new employee to settle into their full effectiveness results in harming the company’s interest. 

Therefore, before an employee is hired a pre-employment background check mitigates the risk and saves the company considerable cost.

Background checks reduce liabilities. A criminal background check that is done with help from the FBI and the Department of Justice Los Angeles offers critical information on the character and integrity of a person you are about to hire in your company. The background check reveals whether the prospective employee has a criminal record. If so, it states the nature of the criminal record and how it can harm your company and its reputation. The employee’s criminal record can have an impact on your company’s reputation. 

How can you make the workplace secure?

  • Every employer has a responsibility of protecting the office workplace for the rest of the employees working there.
  • A pre-employment check is the most comprehensive way of ensuring that the workplace includes people who share the same mindsets and come from honest and genuine backgrounds.
  • A pre background check also reflects on the employer’s seriousness in preserving the office atmosphere and showing reasonable care to maintain the office environment. By hiring investigative sources that offer diligent and authentic search, you can be relaxed.

What can pre-employment results include?

  • An employer has the right to know more about the employee than the starting and ending date of past employment duties. 
  • The background check should also include details on the actions and activities of the employee and issues that led to switching jobs.
  • Any workplace misconduct like theft, violence, harassment, sexual abuse may have led to a criminal filing. 
  • Employees habits such as overindulgence in alcohol or drugs or participating in criminal activities or displaying social misconduct must all be known to the employer.
What are the benefits of pre-employment background checks?
  • You save cost as hiring a professional background check firm is cheaper when compared to the bleeding cost of a bad hire. 
  • You preserve the office atmosphere and win the trust of your employees who respect you for taking extra effort in employing someone without a criminal record. 

Conclusion Getting a background check can happen in no time if the employee has no criminal record. Visit http://anshinotary.com/ for Background Checks in Los Angeles. They will complete the procedure through their trained technician who conducts biometric fingerprint live scans in machines and the results are immediately sent to the Department of Justice and FBI for a criminal background check. The procedure is simple and hassle-free. This is the best way to ensure that you are making the right decision. Visit them today online for details.