Mobile Fingerprinting For Celebrities

We want to share with you a recent mobile fingerprinting experience with a client who is a well known entertainer. Entertainers frequently travel abroad and some territories like Canada where they work may require criminal background checks when they enter the territory. The client his represented by attorneys who trust that we will handle the matter with the highest degree of care, particularly with respect to maintaining the confidence and trust of the client. This means that everything having to do with our relationship with this client is kept strictly confidential.

On this job, we confidentially communicated with the client’s manager to set up a convenient meeting time and place. We traveled to the client’s performance location, a large arena, where the client was rehearsing for its performance that night. This area was highly protected and not open to the public. The guards let us in backstage and showed us to the manager, who led us to the client’s dressing room, where the client was being prepared for their performance.

The manager introduced us to the applicant. We found a ledge on a cabinet where we could open up our electronic fingerprint computer. We obtained the client’s drivers license, their request for Livescan, and scanned the drivers license information into our machine. The applicant verified its information in the request for lives scan service form. The information in the computer was also verified against the the request for live scan service form.  We delicately and accurately took the applicants fingerprints using Integrated Biometrics Five-0 scanner is a compact and portable fingerprint scanner designed for law enforcement, military, and border control applications. It is known for its ruggedness, high-quality fingerprint capture, and compatibility with various devices and platforms. The client returned to its performance preparations. We left the stage and processed payment on-site using a credit card. The manager thanked us and escorted us off-stage. This entire process required no more than 10 minutes. 

mobile fingerprinting


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